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--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4 <theophilus88@h...>" <theophilus88@h...> wrote: > Greetings. My name is Marcus. I'm a Classical Language MA student. > Here is the Lord's Prayer in my language Fortunatian, which is spoken > in the Canaries. The script hasn't been fixed yet, so this is just > phonology. > y=high ctrl vwl > @ = mid ctrl vwl > <snip> Here is a slightly better Latinate version [fat. d@ noS fso pi @S y fsa ker,] [n@myn d@ te rikt d@ SaNktat] [redZ@n d@ te rikt d@ fr@fymf] [odyn. d@ te rikt d@ duk] [@t y fsa tyr @t y fsa ker] [dat fan d@ noS dodjen. a noS] [as@rb t.adZresjoneS d@ noS pan noS S@rt as@rt t.adZresjoneS daljoS] [non dukt noS ady teftatjon] [@t fr@tekt noS e fsoS maroS] fso, a, oS, aS = article Here is a more Etruscan version of the Pater Noster ([Not. Fat.]) with a following vocabulary. [not. fat. fso piS (<pi @S) fy fsawrat (<fsa urat), ] [ti n@mn rikt d@ SaNktat] [ti tsramn rikt d@ fr@fyf] [tjodyn. (< ti odyn.) rikt d@ dukt] [@t fy fsa t@r @t fy fsawrat (<fsa urat)] [da not. fan dodjen. (<d@ odjen.) y noS] [as@rb not. t.adZresjoneS pan noS as@rben t.adZresjoneS daljoS (<d@ aljoS)] [non duk noS y teftatjon] [@t fr@tek noS e fsoS mritjaS] not. = noster, our (gen.) fat., eS = father pi = qui, who, which fy = in(side), at fso, fsa, fsoS, fsaS = article (< ipse, a, os, as) urat, oS = Etruscan falat, heaven ti = thine (gen.) rikt d@ X = allow X to occur (<li:ket de:) d@ = of (<de:) SaNktat, eS = holiness tsramn , a = kingdom (< tsil-a:min- kingdom < Etr. tsil- rule) fr@fyf = approach (< Latin appropinquare) odyn., eS = will, command (< Latin ordo, ordinis, acc. ordinem) dukt = lead @t = and (<et) t@r, aS= earth (<terra) da = give (<da:re) fan, eS = bread odjen., eS = today (<hodiern- daily) y, n- = towards, to (indirect object) (< in) as@rb = absolve t.adZresjon, eS = sins, transgressions pan = to the extent that (<quantum) noS = we (nom.), us (acc.) aS@rben = subjunctive of as@rb aljo, a, oS, aS = other (<alius) non = not duk = lead (< ducere) teftatjon, eS = tempation fr@tekt = guard (<protegere) e = (away) from mriti, mritjaS = evil(s) (<malitia)