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Re: [romanceconlang] Arabo-Romance (was Re: Re: Re: Origins of Jovian)

On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 23:13:50 -0600 Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@hidden.email> writes:
> draqonfayir@hidden.email wrote:
> >  "skalerika de oro, del oro i del marfil;
> So, Ladino permits initial s-stop sequences?  How did it come about
> that they used {k} instead of {c}?
Yup, although sometimes i get the impression that an /e/ at the beginning is optional.  And they use {k} because Ladino was originally written in the Hebrew alphabet, and when they decided recently to write it in Latin letters that they would write it phonetically in a way that would distinguish it from Spanish.
So they don't use {c}, or {qu}, and they only use {g} for /g/.  Also, they use {j} for /Z/ and {dj} for /dZ/.

> >   ke gozen i logren i tengan muncho bien.
> Is "muncho" correct there?
Yup!  "Muncho" is also found as a non-standard variant in some Spanish dialects.  In Ladino it's the standard form.
-Stephen (Steg)
 "'cause monkeys don't have shotguns,
  and gorillas don't make war;
  if you gave an ape a crack pipe
  he wouldn't know quite what it's for;
  and maybe we're the ones who need to be locked in the zoo,
  'cause it seems to me the chimpanzees
  are just one step ahead of me and you."
     ~ 'guns and monkeys' by jason spitz