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Okay, it's been a while, but here is some Wenedyk again, the adjective this time. I'll cross-post it to Conlang, RomanceConlang, and SlaviConlang, which will probably mean that some of you receive it twice, for which I apologize. I take full responsibility for the medical consequences of over-using the delete button :) Adjectives must agree in number, case, and gender with the nouns they modify. They can be placed both before and after it. Although no binding rule can be given, in general such constructions are head-last: when the noun is dominant and the adjective is only used to modify or describe it, the latter is placed in front it, while in cases when the adjective is dominant or forms a stable unity with the noun, it is mostly placed at the end. It remains, however, a matter of the speaker?s taste. For example: biela dziej "a beautiful day" a£t jedyficiej "a high building" (£ = l-stroke) £êgwa wenedyka "the Venedian language" (ê = e-ogonek) Empierz Roman "the Roman Empire" Declension of Wenedyk adjectives caused me some serious trouble. In Latin, they are divided into different classes, that coincide more or less with the noun declensions. First I considered the possibility of modifying the Latin system only by subjecting it to the common Wenedyk sound changes, but this seemed to be very contrary to both the Slavic and the Romance languages, which show a strong tendency towards simplification. Then I decided to fit all Wenedyk adjectives to the Latin -us/-a/-um declension. First I endeavoured a neuter nominative form on -u; however, since I would never be able to explain how the ending -um, that always drops off, survives in this particular case, I finally decided to adopt the ending -e from the third declension. As a result, declension of Wenedyk adjectives is quite simple after all. masc./neut. sing. fem. sing. MFN plur. Nom. brzew "short" brzewa brzewe Gen. brzewu brzewej brzewu Dat. brzewi brzewej brzewysz Acc. brzew brzewã brzewe When the adjective is followed by a noun that begins with c'-/ci- or dz'-/dzi-, its final consonant is softened both in spelling and in pronunciation: _bon miedyk_ "a good doctor", but _boñ Dziew_ "good God". The opposite never occurs: _mañ dom_ "a big house". The comparative and superlative are built by adding the suffix -iór/-iora/-iore, the superlative by adding the suffix -ym/-yma/-yme to the root of the adjective: brzew "short", brzewiór "shorter", brzewym "shortest" k£ar "bright", k£arzór "brighter", k£arym "brightest". In some cases, the degrees of comparison are irregular: bon ? mielór ? optym "good ? better ? best" ma£ ? piejór ? pieszym "bad ? worse ? worst" mañ ? majór ? maczym "big ? bigger ? biggest" parzew ? mynor ? mynym "small ? smaller ? smallest" wieczó£ ? wieszczór ? wieszczym "old ? older ? oldest" mu£cy ? p£urze ? p£urzyme "many/much ? more ? most" a£t ? suprzór ? suprzem "high ? higher ? highest" Any feedback is always appreciated. Especially when it comes to answering this question: does the way I changed Latin declension to Wenedyk look (at least a tiny little bit) acceptable? Regards, Jan ===== "Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. Jones __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http://uk.my.yahoo.com