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Dear friends! After a very short section about the article - not present in Wenedyk - here's a somewhat more substantial text about Venedian nouns. I've had some difficulty in deciding whether or not to introduce a case system into Wenedyk. No surviving Romance language has cases (except perhaps for some traces in Romanian), but since Late/Vulgar Latin still had them (even if they were rapidly decaying) and the Slavic languages have always had them, I don't really see any reason why Wenedyk shouldn't have them. So, there are four cases: nominative, genitive, dative, and accusative. The Latin ablative disappeared, most of its functions adopted by the genitive. Furthermore, there are three genders (masculine, feminine, neuter), and three declensions. The first declension consists of all words with the ending -a, almost all of which are feminine. This declension corresponds of course with the Latin first declension. I. hard stems soft stems roza "rose" fila "daughter" sing. plur. sing. plur. nom. roza rozy fila file gen. rozy rozar fili filar dat. roze rozysz file filisz acc. rozã rozy filã file When the word root ends with "k", "g", or "l", the genitive and plural ending "-y" is substituted by "-i", while the dative singular ending "-e" is replaced by "-ie" and the dative plural ending "-ysz" is replaced with "-isz". For example _amika_ "girl friend" has _amiki_, _amikie_, _amikisz_. The second declension consists of words ending in a consonant, most of which derive from Latin words with the ending "-us" who belong either the second or the fourth declension. It also includes most masculine words on "-er", for example _pier_ "boy". II. hard stems soft stems dom "house" an' "year" sing. plur. sing. plur. nom. dom domy an' ani gen. domu domór aniu aniór dat. domi domysz ani anisz acc. dom domy an' ani The second declension also includes neuter nouns that derive from Latin words with the ending "-um". It can be distinguished from masculine nouns of the same declension only by the ending "-a" in the nominative and accusative plural. II. hard stems soft stems wad "path" muzej "museum" sing. plur. sing. plur. nom. wad wada muzej muzeja gen. wadu wadór muzeju muzejór dat. wadzi wadysz muzej muzejisz acc. wad wada muzej muzeja Please note that the dative singular ending "-i" leads to the softening of the stem's final consonant. This his the following side-effects: k + i becomes czy Example: _miedyk_ "doctor", dat. miedyczy g + i becomes dz^y Example: _fag_ "birch", dat. fadz^y t + i becomes ci Example: _kãt_ "song", dat. kãci d + i becomes dzi Example: _wad_ "path", dat. wadzi r + i becomes rzy Example: _libier_ "book", dat. librzy £ + i becomes li Example: _okie£_ "eye", dat. okli sz + i becomes szy Example: _kasz_ "case", dat. kaszy cz + i becomes czy Example: _bracz_ "arm", dat. braczy z^ + i becomes z^y Example: _chor£óz^_ "clock", dat. chor£oz^y The third declension includes all masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns that do not belong to the first or the second declension. It corresponds with both the third and the fifth declension in Latin. III. hard stems soft stems regular neuter noc "night" mierzydz' "afternoon" kródz' "heart" sing. plur. sing. plur. sing. plur. nom. noc noce mierzydz' mierzydzie kródz' krodzia gen. nocy nocu mierzydzi mierzydziu krodzi krodziu dat. nocy nociusz mierzydzi mierzydziusz krodzi krodziusz acc. noc noce mierzydz' mierzydzie kródz' krodzia Special cases within the third declension are neuter nouns with the endings "-iê"/"-ieny", "-usz"/"-ory", and "-usz"/"-iery": III ending -miê ending -usz, -ory ending -usz, -iery nomiê "name" cêpusz "time" (1) z^enusz "gender" sing. plur. sing. plur. sing. plur. nom. nomiê nomyna cêpusz cêpora z^enusz z^eniera gen. nomieny nomynu cêpory cêporu z^eniery z^enieru dat. nomieny nomyniusz cêpory cêporzusz z^eniery z^enierzusz acc. nomiê nomyna cêpusz cêpora z^enusz z^eniera (1) In accordance to its conjugation, words of this type are often misspelled _cêpórz_; pronunciation would be the same. Like _nomiê_ are declined: _w£umiê_ "river", _karmiê_ "singing", _£umiê_ "light", _limiê_ "doorstep" Like _cêpusz_ are declined: _korpusz_ "body", _litusz_ "beach", _piektusz_ "chest" Like _z^enusz_ are declined: _fiedusz_ "treaty", _£atusz_ (gen. _£aciery_) "wing", _opusz_ "work". About the Wenedyk/Polish characters: ã should be read as a-ogonek ê should be read as e-ogonek z^ should be read as z with dot above n' should be read as n-acutus £ should be read as l-stroke Comments? Jan ===== "Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. Jones __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http://uk.my.yahoo.com