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Re: [romanceconlang] Definite article + posessive pronoun

 --- Barry Garcia wrote: 

> I agree mostly :). Montreiano in writing would write de emi as "d'emi",
> and it does this with simple nouns: d'aguila. Same with la - l'aguila.

Yeah, but that is (or at least feels like) something different.

> >How do you handle the plural?
> >
> Hum. Hadn't really considered that yet (silly silly), but i think
> logically it would be: Lomis, lotus, losus, lamis, latus, lasus.
> I think. Any better ideas?

No, it looks fine.
Next question: what happens when the whole thing is preceded by a preposition?
a - eu - mi    > aumi?
de - eu - mi   > deumi?
con - eu - mi  > cormi?


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