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Re: [romanceconlang] Calendar

On Wed, Aug 21, 2002 at 07:36:45PM -0400, draqonfayir@hidden.email wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Aug 2002 15:19:44 -0700 (PDT) Padraic Brown
> <elemtilas@hidden.email> writes:
> > > This is the international terminology acceptable by
> > > non-Christian cultures, regions and religions. Am I
> > > right?
> > What's deliciously ironic about the PC crusade that
> > spawned CE and BCE is that both are _still_ based on
> > the birth of Jesus Christ - the very thing they wanted
> > to shy away from!

I dunno how delicious it is... but it's impossible to keep the same
numbering system while completely separating it from Christian timekeeping.
I guess most of us aren't up to the challenge of adopting a numberline
starting somewhere else, even the unChristian among us. So it's kind of a
compromise to just go along with the system since it's conventional but not
refer to it by any religious terms; kind of like how people like me
accept Christmas and Easter as times for celebration and togetherness since
most of the rest of society does, just that we don't have their reasoning
for it.

> Like the Hebrew term |lefi sefirat hanotzrim| "according to the
> Christians' count".

I like that! :)

> -Stephen (Steg)
>  "dos iz nit der shteg."

Nu, vos iz dos?

Furrfu!		r a k k o  at  c h a r t e r  dot  n e t