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The body -- ul corbu arm -- ul brachu belly -- il vendri bone -- ul osu buttocks -- ul culu chest -- ul pepu cuticle -- al cudigua ear -- al jurigua eye -- ul ocuu finger -- ul didu foot -- il pedi gum -- al djenchiva hair -- ul cabiju hair (body) -- ul pilu face -- ul voutu hand -- ul manu head -- ul agan~u knee -- ul djenucuu lip -- ul lavru mouth -- al buca nail -- al umba neck -- ul jugulu nose -- ul nazu nostril -- al narina palm -- al pauma rib -- al costa shoulder -- al spadula skin -- il peji sole -- al puanta tongue -- al limba tooth -- il dentiNot many surprises hear except one or two of the sound changes and a couple of the word choices. Otherwise pretty pedestrian.
Adamu _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com