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Re: [romanceconlang] North African Vulgar Latin

romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com writes:
>That is really cool info.
>So where do French beau and Romanian frumosa come from?  And Spanish
>  And Sicilian grazziusu?  What does Catalan have?  Provencal?  Standard 
>Italian? Romansh?  Protuguese?
>I wonder how C-o will say "beautiful".  Did *anyone* preserve pulcher?

Some WIld Ass Guesses :))

Beau probably comes from the same root as Spanish "bello/a". Frumosa is
probably related to Spanish "hermosa" from "formosus". Grazziusu looks
like it's related to "gracioso"  which in Spanish can mean "Funny" or
"Cute, Attractive". Bonita might be the diminutive of the same word that
"buena" comes from. 

Of course someone who knows will soon be along to correct me :).