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Contractions (well i guess they are...)

Inspired by Asturian, i've decided to combine certain function words
together into new ones. These follow the general Asturian pattern, but
dont end up quite the same.


Only the article "la" loses the a and becomes attached to the following
word. This only happens when that word begins with a vowel:

The room - l'âvitaziún 


De becomes attached to the following word if it begins with a vowel:

from Aromas - d'aromas

Contractions (Contraziúns) 

The following "contractions" exist in Montreiano:

a, con, de, en, pora, por + eu (to, with, of/from, for, for + the)

a + eu - au
con + eu - coneu
de + eu - deu
en + eu - eneu
pora + eu - porau
por + eu - poreu

a, con, de, en, por + la (to, with, of/from, for, for + the)

a + la - ala
con + la - conra
de + la - dela
en + la - enra
por + la - porla

a, con, de, en, por + lo (to, with, of/from, for, for + the)

a + lo - alo
con + lo - conro
de + lo - delo
en + lo - enro
por + lo - porlo

a, con, de, en, por + las (to, with, of/from, for, for + the)

a + las - alas
con + las - conras
de + las - delas
en + las - enras
por + las - porlas

a, con, de, en, por + los (to, with, of/from, for, for + the)

a + los - alos
con + los - conros
de + los - delos
en + los - enros
por + los - porlos

toa, tò, toas, tòs + articles (all + articles)

toa + eu - tau
tò + eu - tueu
toas + los - tualos
tòs + los - tuelos

toa + la - tuala
tò + la - tóla
toas + las - tualas
tòs + las - tuelas

cà + un, una (each + indefinite articles)

cà + un - caun
cà + una - cauna

Certainly not at extensive as Asturian, but these are peculiar to
Montreiano. Some of them show sound changes, which make them difficult at
first to recognize.