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Inspired by Asturian, i've decided to combine certain function words together into new ones. These follow the general Asturian pattern, but dont end up quite the same. Articles: Only the article "la" loses the a and becomes attached to the following word. This only happens when that word begins with a vowel: The room - l'âvitaziún De: De becomes attached to the following word if it begins with a vowel: from Aromas - d'aromas Contractions (Contraziúns) The following "contractions" exist in Montreiano: a, con, de, en, pora, por + eu (to, with, of/from, for, for + the) a + eu - au con + eu - coneu de + eu - deu en + eu - eneu pora + eu - porau por + eu - poreu a, con, de, en, por + la (to, with, of/from, for, for + the) a + la - ala con + la - conra de + la - dela en + la - enra por + la - porla a, con, de, en, por + lo (to, with, of/from, for, for + the) a + lo - alo con + lo - conro de + lo - delo en + lo - enro por + lo - porlo a, con, de, en, por + las (to, with, of/from, for, for + the) a + las - alas con + las - conras de + las - delas en + las - enras por + las - porlas a, con, de, en, por + los (to, with, of/from, for, for + the) a + los - alos con + los - conros de + los - delos en + los - enros por + los - porlos toa, tò, toas, tòs + articles (all + articles) toa + eu - tau tò + eu - tueu toas + los - tualos tòs + los - tuelos toa + la - tuala tò + la - tóla toas + las - tualas tòs + las - tuelas cà + un, una (each + indefinite articles) cà + un - caun cà + una - cauna Certainly not at extensive as Asturian, but these are peculiar to Montreiano. Some of them show sound changes, which make them difficult at first to recognize.