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Re: [romanceconlang] VL *-mn- > what???

Am 09/07 13:17  Dan Jones yscrifef:
> We get to the Crunch:
> How do other (con-)romancelangs deal with this cluster? Spanish does excrescence, French assimilates, Italian does nothing (laziness...), so what does everyone else do?
In Brithenig the [m] is treated as intervocalic and softened to /v/.  In
the standard language this becomes /w/ and is treated as a business end
of a diphthong.  If the vowel before the [m] is a back vowel (u, o) it
accents it as long with a circumflex and the -w disappears completely.

- andrew.
Andrew Smith, Intheologus                       hobbit@hidden.email
alias Mungo Foxburr of Loamsdown

Preacher on the corner, calling it a crime,
Says, 'The end don't justify the means anytime'.
I stood up on my van.  I yelled, 'Excuse me, sir.
Ain't nothing wrong with this country 
That a few plastic explosives won't cure.'
 - Steve Taylor, I Blew Up The Clinic Real Good