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What I'm working on right now is collecting resources for the borring history of my lang. The con-historically earliest borrowings should be from Punic/Phoenician and Berber langs. The second source will be Vandal. Third come Greek and Coptic. Then Arabic becomes a major source from the 700's onward. In the Crusade/Reconquista/Renaissance period the medieval Romance langs become significant sources of borrowing. Depending on whether or not the Reformation has any effect on the history of Cartago, German might contribute a few words during that period. Latin and Greek will be the main sources of learned borrowing and technological neologisms.
Latin and Greek resources are easy to come by. Arabic is only a little harder since I have to find my Arabic materials in transliteration. Now comes the hard part . . . Does anyone know any good sources for vocabularies of Punic/Phoenician, Berber, Vandal, Coptic, medeival Romancelangs (especially Sicilian, Calabrian, Venitian, Sardinian [any flavor], Provencal, Corsican, Catalan, Castilian and Portuguese, but any (other) Italian dialects could be potentially useful).
Also, does anyone have a favorite site for etymologies of borrowed (ie non-latinate) vocabulary in any of the modern romancelangs other thand French or Romanian? (Those two are less helpful for my current project due to France's overlarge German immigration and lack of direct contact with Arabic on the one hand and Romanian's heavy contact with Hungarian and Slavlangs [and lack of Arabic contact] on the other.)
Hopefully, I'll have some Early Old Cartageno text to show you before too long.
Adam So lift the cup of joy and take a big drink. In spite of it all it's a beautiful world. -------Suzanne Knutzen _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp