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Re: [romanceconlang] A text in Dalmatian

On Wed, 9 May 2001, Padraic Brown wrote:

> On Wed, 9 May 2001, Frank George Valoczy wrote:
> >
> >Here's the first major piece of text in Dalmatian, the Dalmatian Mass:
> >Note, there are some archaisms in this text, but understandable I think...
> Cool. You ought to translate the whole Ordo. (Then find a
> conlanging priest to say the Mass in Dalmatian!!)

I do plan on translating the whole thing eventually...and later on Advent
Mass, Midnight Mass, etc.

then to find that priest.. =)

> What are the (approximate) religious breakdowns of the
> Balkans *there*?

Dalmatia, Croatia, Slovakia and Albania are Catholic (Roman)

Hungary (if the Reformation happened *there*) is about 60-40 Roman
Catholic and Protestant, as is Slovakia

Serbia, Muntenia, Oltenia, Moldova (these 3 are semi-independent members
of the Romanian Federation), Bulgaria and Greece are Orthodox

Sanjak and Turkey are Muslim, Sanjak very aggressively so.

Naturally all of them have minorities of other faiths. In Dalmatia
minority religions are Orthodox, Muslim and Bogomil.

Ferenc Gy. Valoczy

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