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> As for that seeing God sentence, in Dalmatian it would be: > > A ama un altru ye a bixe lica da Xiu. > to love one other is to see face of God. (lit.) > > c = [ts], x = [dz] > And so I made a mistake. And I saw the mistake was bad, so I fix it: A ama un altru ye a bixe licaya da Xiu. licaya = face-the -------ferko Ferenc Gy. Valoczy Suurt chugunikka peene ahjo suhe et toukka. Virtual Votia - Vaddjamaa Internetaza: http://www.geocities.com/uralica railways page: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/3976/ 25kV 50Hz: http://www.mp3.com/25kV50Hz