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On Thu, 25 Jan 2001 17:52:36 +0100 (MET) Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@hidden.email> writes: > - I'm wondering about the historical plausibility of it. The fact is > that I > don't know anithing about the history of Arabic. Where does it come > from? What > did it look like 2000 years ago? Is it plausible to have Roman > settling in an > Arabic-speaking place of 2000 years ago? - As far as i know, Arabic was only spoken in the Arabian peninsula until the Islamic expansion. > If someone could answer all those questions, it would be really kind > of them, as > it would help me a lot on devising this Arabo-Romance conlang. The > idea is > seducing: imagine a Romance lang, with lots of back consonnants, > emphatic > consonnants, keeping distinction between long and short vowels (like > Arabic), a > prefixed article (maybe derived from ille -> il very plausible since > present > Arabic al-), some features of Arabic like nominal sentences, a > conjugated > negation, all that written in Arabic script. I even like the idea of > the > diglossia that most Arabic speakers have to deal with, between > Litteral Arabic > and their dialect. Unfortunately, I have no idea of the plausibility > of such a > thing, so I really need your help and insight on that. Thank you in > advance! > Christophe. - Sorry, that was the only question i could answer at all, but the idea sounds great.... and maybe, if Jûdajca can't fit into Ill Bethisad, it and your Arabo-Romance could fit in an alternate world together! At least now i know that my idea of _hujus_ > _hu(j)-_ (cf. Hebrew _ha-_) for a prefixed article isn't completely implausible! :-) -Stephen (Steg) "Word making is world making." ~ _The Beginning of Desire: Reflections on Genesis_ by Avivah Zornberg ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.