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Did any Romance languages not use adj + mente to form adverbs? Also, is it known when that developed? Román split off from Latin in AD 17, when they were cut off from the rest of the world, had it developed by then? If not, then I'd be free to devise my own derivation, but I'm not sure how it should be formed. What are some methods used in other languages? I'm thinking maybe abstract nouns with -cum, for example: Quickly = celeritatecum, i.e., celeritas in the ablative with -cum. This would produce the Román -ìtátèchì (/i-'TaTExi-/, rather a lengthy ending, altho perhaps frequent usage would make the penultimate vowel be dropped, yielding -ìtacchì (/i-'Taki-/) or even just -tacchì, but that would create certain assimilations. But, how likely would it be that cum would become a suffix? Perhaps it would become a kind of circumflex chìn-. ... - ìtatai (/ki-n ... i-'TaT&/) -- ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTaylor42