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Update in Román

Román now has an eighth vowel, /i-/ (i-bar, high central unrounded
vowel).  This vowel has three origins, short i, short u, and schwa
(which was descended from short a) - schwa was often lost previous to
merging with /i-/, so that, for instance, _rômâna_ became Román.  /i-/
is written as ì or ù (î and û when stressed), ì when descended from
short i, ù when from short u or a.  When written as ì, it causes
palatization in _c_ and _g_, when written as _ù_ it does not.  Thus,
_legìs_ = /'ledzi-s/, but _legù_ = /'leGi-/ (of the law, of the laws).

There may also develop initial mutations, as in Celtic, but an
independent development.

First Declension
     S     P
Nom  --    -as
Gen  -e    -ái (<-áì < -árì < -ârum)
Acc  --    -as
Genetive plural may be -é, not sure if there'll be a second /aj/ -> /e/

Second Declension
     S     P
Nom  -ùs   --*
Gen  --*   -ói
Acc  -ù    -os
*umlaut in stem

Third Declension
     S     P
Nom  (var) -es
Gen  -ìs   -ù
Acc  -è    -es

I'm contemplating this being an earlier stage, however, and producing a
merger of /i/ and /i-/ by Modern Román.  In that case, they'd probably
just write all occurences of /i/ as {i}, e.g., -is for Nom Sing of 2nd

ICQ: 18656696
AIM Screen-Name: NikTaylor42