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En réponse à Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@hidden.email>: > > This post focuses a little more on the numbers. Forms had to be updated > from the last post since there have been new additions to the sound > changes. Following Christophe's model somewhat (thanks for the > inspiration > :)). > You're welcome :) . > Cardinals: > > 1. uno /uno/ 100. çènto /tsEnto/ > 2. dos /Dos/ 200. doçèntos /DotsEntos/ > 3. tres /tres/ 300. treçèntos /tretsEntos/ > 4. cuatro /kwatro/ 400. cuatroçèntos /kwatrotsEntos/ > 5. çiñque /tsiNke/ 500. quingèntos /kinZEntos/ > 6. seix /sejS/ 600. seçèntos /setsEntos/ > 7. sèt /sEt/ 700. sètçèntos /sEtsEntos/ > 8. oço /otso/ 800. oçoçèntos / otsotsEntos/ > 9. nòue /nOwe/ 900. nòueçèntos /nOwetsEntos/ > 10. dèç /DEts/ 1000 miu /miw/ > 11. ondèç /onDEts/ 2000. dos miu /Dos miw/ > 12. doèç /doEts/ 10,000. dèç mius /DEts miws/ > 13. treèç /treEts/ 100,000. çèntos mius /tsEntos miws/ > 14. cuatroèç /kwatroEts/ 1,000,000. millón /mil_jon/ > 15. quindèç /kinDEts/ 101. çèntoiuno /tsEntojuno/ > 16. dèçiseix /DEtsisejS/ 102. çèntoios /tsEntojos/ > 17. dèçisèt /DEtsisEt/ 103. çèntoitres /tsEntojtres/ > 18. dèçioço /DEtsiotso/ > 19. dèçinòue /DEtsinOwe/ > 20. veint /Bejnt/ > 21. veintiuno /Bejntiuno/ > 22. veintios /Bejntios/ > 23. veintitres /Bejntitres/ > 30. treint /trejnt/ > 40. cuaraént /kwaraent/ > 50. çiñcuaént /tsiNkwaent/ > 60 seixaént /sejSaent/ > 70. sètuaént /sEtwaent/ > 80. oçoént /otsoent/ > 90. nonaént /nonaent/ > What I like between Narbonósc and Montreiano is the correspondance between some numbers, even if they are not pronounced the same way (like seix, both Montreiano and Narbonósc for 6, or veint, same for 20). Apart from that, I really like Montreiano for its use of accents: they are nearly as much used as in French :) . And I'm not talking about the c-cedilla which is far more used then in French... > > Ordinals > > The ordinals are formed similarly to Spanish. 11th -12th were > regularized > with 13th -19th. > > 1st - primairo /primajro/ 11th - deçimoprimairo /Detsimoprimajro/ > 2nd - segundo /segunDo/ 12th - deçimosegundo /DetsimosegunDo/ > 3rd - terçairo /tertsajro/ 13th - deçimoterçairo /Detsimotertsairo/ > 4th - cuarto /kwarto/ 14th - deçimocuarto /Detsimokwarto/ > 5th - quinto /kinto/ 15th - deçimoquinto /Detsimokinto/ > 6th - seixto /sejSto/ 16th - deçimoseixto /DetsimosejSto/ > 7th - séptimo /septimo/ 17th - deçimoseptimo /Detsimoseptimo/ > 8th - octauo /octauwo/ 18th - deçimoctauo /Detsimoctauwo/ > 9th - noueno /noweno/ 19th - deçimonoueno /Detsimonoweno/ > 10th - déçimo /detsimo/ 20th - vigésimo /BiZesimo/ > > 30th - trigesimo /triZesimo/ > 40th - cuadragésimo /kwadraZesimo/ > 50th - quiñcuagésimo /kiNkwaZesimo/ > 60th - seixagésimo /sejSaZesimo/ > 70th - septuagésimo /septwaZesimo/ > 80th - octogésimo /octoZesimo/ > 90th - nonagésimo /nonaZesimo/ > 100th - çentésimo /tsentesimo/ > Those are much more Spanish-looking than the cardinals. They are also nice anyway :) . > > After 10th, usually a cardinal with a definite article is used instead > of > the longer traditional ordinals: 40th: cuadragesimo / Le cuaraént. In > formal writing, the traditional ordinal is always used. For the > adjectival > forms, -ment is added: > > secondly - segundament > thirdly - terçairament > I don't know for sure, but does Italian uses a lot its ordinals, or does it do as in Spanish and uses more often cardinal with the definite article (like Montreiano and Narbonósc do, except that Montreiano begins at 11th while Narbonósc begins at 16th :) )? > > Fractions: > > Fractions are formed by the numerator + entre + denominator always: > > 1/2 = uno entre dos Does Montreiano have a word for French "demi(e)", Spanish "medio, media" to mean "half"? It's so much used in common speech (like "half" in English), that I would think even Montreiano speakers would have had a special word for that and not only have used the expression uno entre dos... > > Adjectives in -ario > > primary - primario > secondary -secundario > tertiary - terçiario > > in -au /aw/ > > decimal - deçimau > octal - octau > Nice :) . > > I hope the formatting doesnt get messed up. > It went well in my opinion :) . Christophe.