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romanceconlang group




WenedykWenedyk (Engl. Venedic) is a Slavo-Romance conlang, basically showing what Polish would have looked like if it had been a Romance instead of a Slavic language.ijzeren_janJan 10, 2003
JovianA page for the conlangs of Christian Thalmann, including the romlang Jovian.obrenaiNov 2, 2002
A pagga doul'Aingelj���� - La p����gina del Angeliano - Angelian's HomepageAingelj���� (Angelian) is a new romance conlang invented by ����ngel Serrano. It is inspired mainly in Spanish, Catalan, Galician-Portuguese, French and Italian, with some Germanic influences from English and German. The web can be read in Angelian, Spanish and English, and containes phonetic information, a grammar, illustrated vocabulary, a dictionary and sample texts, some of which are provided with audio files.aingeljaSep 2, 2002


Due to the group owner's accidental loss of control and subsequent spammer invasion, this group was superseded by romconlang, q.v.

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