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my own variant of Lojban
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 17:06:12 EDT
- Subject: my own variant of Lojban
- To: loccan3@yahoogroups.com
I relexed all of the Lojban gismu into new gismu (calling the new version Slojban), keeping as much of the word the same as I could while still having internal structure. They all begin with a classifier (à la Saweli, q.v.) which indicates what kind of concept the word is about, such as "sa-" is for words for speech acts ("sacru" = Lj "bacru"), "ca-" for plants ("cadna" for Lj "badna"), "bi-" for large grazing mammals ("bikni" for Lj "bakni").
Lujvo can be created by using the appropriate classifier from the tanru and then the second syllables of each tanru tacked onto the classifier in roughly opposite order from current lujvo, since the classifier, rather than the tertau, is the head.
Thus the Slojban equivalent of Lj lujvo "jbopre" is derived from the equivalents of "lojbo" plus "prenu", which are "rajbo" and "pepre". Since a jbopre is a kind of prenu, the classifier for the Slojban equivalent is "pe-" (from "pepre"), so the new word for "jbopre" is "pe-" + "-pre" + "-jbo", or "peprejbo".
I haven't done any work on new rafsi except taking the whole second syllable intact, so there are many gismu with identical rafsi. How much of a problem this is remains to be seen.