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I'd very much like a copy of this! Thanks for your time, Rick! --- In katanda@yahoogroups.com, Rick Morneau <ram@e...> wrote: > "Hacker, Geoffrey" <geoffrey.hacker@f...> wrote: > > > > Haven't seen any activity here in ages. Is it still being moderated by > > Rick Morneau? > > > > This group has always been unmoderated. Is the person who created the > group still around? If not, who is responsible for any administrative > duties? (For example, how would we change the name of the group? Is it > even possible?) > > As some of you know, I'm in the process of building a large dictionary > of Ladekwa roots. This will allow me to allocate modifiers and > classifiers more logically and less haphazardly than I did in the past. > If anyone is interested in what I've got so far, let me know and I'll > email you a copy. > > I expect to be done in another month or two, and I'll post a message to > this group when I'm done. > > > Regards, > > Rick Morneau > http://www.eskimo.com/~ram