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"skywatcher_ge" <skywatcher_ge@hidden.email> wrote:
> I can't understand why no way to express the agent.
> A lot of languages do express it (either dufa or lidufa), and I think
> Ladekwa should comply:
> *Jepumpamoy dufa dayfo.
> *Jepumpamoymbe dayfo.

A middle plus A/P-d is equivalent to P-d "Jepumpumoy", which means
'Open!' or 'Become open!'.  To capture the semantics correctly, use a
vocative and an imperative:

    Jepumpamoy dayfo!
    = Open the window!

    Dufamwe! Jepumpamoy dayfo!
    = You!  Open the window!
    Jepumpamoy dufamwe dayfo!
    = You, open the door!

Since a vocative has the syntax of an oblique argument, it can appear in
any argument position.


Rick Morneau