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'my' in nensendi

In the text of Nensendi "Deictic roots" you say "moy" means 'my', but in the 
chart following it, the Gen. is -poy.


>Deictic roots:
Stand-alone classifiers are 1st person by default; i.e. "mi" means
'I/me', "moy" means 'my', "mo" means 'this', and "may" means 'here'.
Person        Deictic Type        Default
-----------    --------------   --------------
1:      --     Pers:   -mi       P-s noun
2:      fe-    Gen:    -poy      P-s adjective
3:      gi-    Dem:    -mo       P-s adjective
1+2:    jo-    Loc:    -paw      "0" adverb
1+3:    lu-    Tem:    -may      "0" adverb
2+3:    ba-
1+2+3:  ze-