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Re: [katanda] default tenses et al

BestATN@hidden.email wrote:
> In this drill sentence from Lesson 33, why is "pi" present in front of 
> "mavezdinga", which is past tense by default of its being dynamic.
> The only reason I can see is some influence of "myanuncenfe", but I wouldn't 
> expect it to be enough to force the tense of "mavezdinga" from the default.
>     The cat usually appeared when there was sausage on the
>       table.
>     Pi mavezdinga casne myanuncenfe gasande pi bagonta
>       gecayswa vodi vozwe.

You're right!  Thanks!

> P.S. Which comes first, the Katanda or the English?

I don't understand this question.

> Can't "usually appeared" just be "nupi" without "myanuncenfe"?

Sort of.  The semantics are close but not the same.  The adverb is not
deictic like the disjunct.


Rick Morneau