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suggestions for words using classifier "-gyo"
- From: BestATN@hidden.email
- Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 16:17:13 EST
- Subject: suggestions for words using classifier "-gyo"
- To: katanda@yahoogroups.com
Several English glosses are mentioned in LS App. C with classifier "-gyo". One word already exists: "nagyo".
LS: -gyo involuntary acts, default = P-d verb
K-E: nagyo - drool, drivel, drip saliva from the mouth.
[When I use an asterisk below, it means 'glossed in LS with classifier "-gyo"'.]
1. digestion: (cf. "tanze" - 'mouth')
tanagyo - drool, drivel, drip saliva from the mouth. [This is currently "nagyo".] (New "nagyo" has to do with liquids leaving the body.)
tafugyo - swallow (This is the 'ta' (mouth) variety of 'fu', viz. related to eating.)
bitafugyo - gulp (a "bi" (big) kind of swallowing)
sutafugyo - gag ("su" (minimal) swallowing)
butafugyo - vomit
tacigyo - burp* ("cigyo" has to do with emitting air/gas from the body.)
fitacigyo - belch (a "fi" (loud) kind of burping)
2. breathing: (cf. "RAnze" ?- 'nose') [I'm using "RA" here as a variable to be filled in when the corresponding words (for 'nose', 'smell', etc.) have been assigned.]
RAnagyo - run (nose) (the nose kind of liquid leaving the body)
RAfigyo - snort (the nose kind of body sounds)
I couldn't think of a non-arbitrary way to assign words to the following concepts, based on existing semi-morphs: cough, gasp, hiccup*, sigh, sneeze*, sniffle, yawn.
3. face: (cf. "venze" - 'eye')
venagyo - tear (eyes) ("ve" (eye) kind of "nagyo")
megyo - grimace ("me" (anger, as an example of a strong feeling))
zugyo - blush* ("zu" (red))
vegyo - blink* ("ve" (eye))
(se)vegyonca - wink, deliberately blink (with only one eye)
vefugyo - laugh* ("ve" (eye, and by extension, face) type of "fu" (happy))
fivefugyo/xevefugyo- guffaw
dawvefugyo - giggle, titter
buvefugyo - sob*
buvefugyonta - weep, cry*
ligyo - smile ("li" (enjoy))
biligyo - grin
buligyo - frown
4. buttocks, rear: (cf. "ponze" - 'tail')
pogyo - fart
pocigyo - pass gas, fart
pofigyo - fart loudly/audibly
5. genitals
mogyo - become erect, tumescent; become aroused ("mo" (long))
mogyonca - cause oneself to become aroused
mogyompa - cause P to become aroused; titillate
6. body: (cf. "binze" - 'body')
xugyo - trip/stumble* ("xu" (high, hence: obstacle))
vogyo - slip, lose one's footing ("vo" (surface))
caygyo - flinch, cringe
figyo - growl, rumble (belly) (body sounds)
binagyo - become sweaty ("bi" (body))
binagyonta - sweat, be sweaty
7. consciousness:
cagyo - awaken, wake up*, become awake
cagyonta - be awake
cagyompa - wake P up, cause P to become awake
cagyonsa - stay awake, keep oneself awake
cagyonfa - keep awake, keep P awake
bucagyo - fall asleep*, drift off
bucagyonta - sleep, be asleep, be sleeping
bucagyompa - cause P to become asleep
gigyo - startle, be startled
gigyompa - startle P
kogyo - become alert
kogyonta - be alert
kogyompa - get P's attention
kogyomba - alert P to F, bring F to P's attention
bukogyo - drift off, daydream, become unalert