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"lsulky" <lsulky@hidden.email> wrote: > > Can I draw the following conclusions? > > 1) "Karenaldabyo" is on thin ice, because "lda" is reserved for > future use, possibly as a classifier. > Correct. > > 2) But "Kaleribyo" is not, because although "le" would be > reserved by the informal rules, it is not in fact reserved -- it is in > use already, but not as a classifier, and names can contain > strings that are not classifiers (with the added constraint that > they can't begin with consonant clusters). > Since "le" is a prefix, it may occur between "ka" and the final classifier. This is a hard-and-fast rule and I can't imagine ever changing it. > > 3) "Kalaribyo" might be even safer, because "la" is not even > reserved. And in general I reckon it's safer to avoid consonant > clusters in names, since they're almost all in use as classifiers > or reserved for such use. > "Kalaribyo" will always be safe because "la" is a semi-morph and "ri" will never be used in a native Katanda word. Consonant clusters are perfectly safe as long as they are based on a semi-morph. For example, "nla" and "pri" will always be safe. Of course, to be absolutely safe while not having to worry about conflicts, use brackets, as in "Ka<Larry>byo". > > By the way, has anyone come up with naming conventions for > the letters of the alphabet? I know you indicated this could be > done, but I didn't know if it had been. > I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Why don't you make a proposal and let everyone in this group discuss it. If I like the result, I'll use it. While thinking about it, also think about how to handle upper and lower case, and how to spell out complete words. These will all be proper names. Regards, Rick Morneau http://www.srv.net/~ram http://www.eskimo.com/~ram