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Re: [katanda] batsa with generic vs. definite/indefinite

BestATN@hidden.email wrote:
> Some of the examples with "batsa" combine an indefinite/definite (i.e. 
> specific) patient with a generic (non-specific) focus.  Can something 
> specific "be the same as" something non-specific?  I don't think so, and this 
> is why I think the generic form should be replaced by the indefinite form 
> using "va" in the sentences below ...

I disagree.

It really depends on how you perceive the generic/indefinite phrase and
whether you should be able to refer to it later with an anaphor.  For

    Batsa Kajobyo getubyo. Bube lisi johi mi ne bube lisi mi tuhi.
    = John is an actor. He doesn't like me and I don't like them.

We can also use the following:

    Tubyonta Kajobyo = John is an actor.

where "tubyo" in "tubyonta" is inherently generic (even though it's
being used in a verb).


Rick Morneau