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POS of disjuncts, etc.; conjunctions

What is the part of speech of the modal disjuncts (e.g., debe, nidu), the conjunctions (e.g., ne, sone), and the particles (e.g., meku, kiku)? 

Is "kine" a word, meaning something like "how connected?" and to which the answer is an appropriate conjunction (probably "ne", "nane", "sone", "tune")? 
E.g., Lisi tumi zumyunti kine cimyunti = Do you like the red one and/or the blue one?

How do you say "I like A but not B"? "Lisi mi A nane B buva"?

Or "I like neither A nor B"?  "Lisi mi A buva ne B buva"?
Based on the following note from LS 21.1, I suspect it could also be "Bube lisi mi A ne B":

>    [Note that there is no special construction in the interlingua
    for the English _expression_ "neither ... nor", since this is just
    an alternative for "and" with a negated verb.  For example,
    "Neither John nor Michelle left early" is the same as "John and
    Michelle didn't leave early".]
