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comments on lesson 13

i'm through with lesson 13. here's what came into my mind during that:

Finally, keep in mind that scalar non-relational states can use the polarity prefixes productively. In other words, the prefixes can be added directly to the root rather than require a separate modifying word. For example, "xemensa" = "mensa xeva" = 'very hot'. sts: interesting method. i like it. is there a similar way to split "le" from "lelise"? i'm always about to forget le-, because i'm used to think about plurality _after_ that i thought about the class that is noun.

We can also easily add a comparative to the verb, creating a double comparative:

    The rope tane the stick and three meters is long xeku.
    = The rope compared with the stick and three meters is longer.
    = The rope is longer than the stick and three meters.
    = The rope is more than three meters longer than the stick.
sts: hm. i think that the being longer of the rope is determined by the tree meters. hm. how do we say: "The rope is three meters longer now." ?

	The scientist said a few words about spaceships and outer
	Myada babyo tadya fomu te gepengo ne gepedwa.
sts: ok.. the Mya eliminates the adressee of his speaking. but the focus of da is what he's talking about. if the focus is "tadya fomu te gepengo ne gepedwa" then he talked about a few words about spaceships and outer space".

	The lessons were taught by two very happy teachers.
	Pi pakoskinza lekodya pava kobyo fusinto xeva tumu.
sts: is there a difference when i say "fusindo" instead of "fusinto"?

	It's unlikely that the desks for the zoology room are in
	  the hallway.
	Fobe dinda lekozwe vaspu to te caynto peto.
sts: this made mi think: isn't zoology always generic? don't we have to say "gecaynto"?

	The wealthy pilot bought a red hummingbird for his mansion
	  for nine dollars.
	Sesku cibyo sensa cayji zumyu va vaspe sevu ciho vamse
	  dolasya komu.
sts: wouldn't it be better to say "vaspu" instead of "vaspe"? the mansion certainly don't care that the pilot bought the hummingbird. it's the hummingbird itself that is important for the mansion.

	[Note that "buhi te nabyo" means "the plumber's".  Literally, it
	means 'it of the plumber', where "it" refers to the clothes
	dryer.  We can achieve the same result by using the open noun
	form of "te": Casi mi jatenza bunaspu pefoy vakxe batenda buhi
	TENDAW nabyo.
sts: the end-] is missing. i wanted to say "tendaw" too, but i didn't remember the open noun ending. :(
