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two kinds of "the one(s)"?

In some cases "the one(s)" could be translated by "(le)pejunti", by analogy with the other nouns derived from the '-ju' words ("junti" 'this one', "nijunti" 'that one', etc.) and nouns derived from adjectives (e.g., "memyunti" 'the yellow one', "tusomunti" 'the second one', "funsanti" 'the heavy one'). 
Using a couple of your examples gives:

Pi cansanta xeku lemabenzasni fosomu tane lepejunti
    sembento = The possibilities near the beginning were better
    than the ones now.  (from "fosomu" entry in K-E)

Kibe batenda pekxe ju pejunti cayte to te gevespu = Is this door like the one ready for the television room?  (from "cayte" entry in K-E)

One could also say: Pejunta junti = This is the one.

I notice, too, that sometimes "junti" is "this" and sometimes it's "this one".  Similarly, "nijunti" and "tujunti" are sometimes "that" and sometimes "that one".  What determines whether "one" is added on?

(By the way, instead of pronominal "these/those" my wife uses "these/those ones", which sounds awkward to me, although I find both "this/that" and "this/that one" completely acceptable.  I don't know why there's a difference for me.)

K-E under "caytende" has:

Goy tenda pebyo konsa va pengo tumu caytende bucansanta semunti = A wise astronaut
    will have two spaceships in case one is bad.

Would "semundi" be more accurate here instead of "semunti"?  (You mentioned this same change in a prior message.)
