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Hello, Well, this is the first message for this new group, and...well...I don't really know what to say. First of all, a little about myself. My name's Jeremy Louzao, I'm 21 and I live in Bellingham, WA, USA. I'm currently a college student but I actually spend more time doing political activism and pursuing hobbies like conlangs and yo-yoing and such. While I'm extremely interested in linguistics and conlanging, I must say that I'm very new to it all, so I ask that people please consider my lack of hard-core knowledge when discussing things on this list. I want to be challenged to learn and study more, but I don't want to be left behind as we start exploring the details of Katanda. Which brings us to this list. What do we want to accomplish here? Are people interested more in just discussing Lexical Semantics and the ideas that Katanda represents or do people want to actually work together to learn Katanda? How many people have read Lexical Semantics? If not, you can find all the necessary stuff at www.srv.net/~ram . What about rules for the list? Do we even need to discuss this or can we assume that they are the same as the conlang and auxlang lists? What do people think? Where do we want to go? Right now I'm up for anything, and I'm excited about all the neat stuff we have to explore! Talk to y'all soon, Jeremy personal e-mail at socialanarchist@hidden.email