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valsi morna cnino


pevyvacri fa
lo xadni .i lo
zdani cuji?a
canre pe?a .i .i?a

ro?e ro?inai se
mipri tolkansa
.i co?aku mi jimpe
.i mi ranji

fi le danmo joi nunspo
.i lo?e pagre dargu
roda ca se cirko
.i le balvi cu binxo

le fasnu belei noryru?i
le cmana sudytumla
mo?u vrucau



"...the spring of the Army-McCarthy hearings... John [Berryman], as an addicted reader of The New York Times, once began a class by holding up the front page so the class might see the latest revelation in the ongoing drama. 'These fools will rule for a while and be replaced by other fools and crooks. This,' and he opened a volume of Keats to the 'Ode to a Nightingale', 'will be with us for as long as our language endures.'" --Philip Levine, in The Bread of Time (1994)

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