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Re: [engelang] what the l

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 4:47 PM, John E Clifford <kali9putra@hidden.email> wrote: 

I am starting a new piece on what possible difference the various ontologies for Xorban might make.  I can only be convincing (even to myself) from my view and would appreciate others from other views contributing bits to get the whole picture out in the open.

You wrote:

Once upon a time in the history of Logjam, it was carved in Silly-putty for all eternity that lo broda  meant su'o lo ro broda,  Like Manicheanism in Christianity, this heresy was quickly quelled and yet continues to affect many sects within the loglang community.  It lingers in the cult that requires that lo broda always refers to the same thing, whether Mr. Broda or brodahood or just the solid lump of Broda.

Amusing analogy, but I think formal semantics is closer to mathematics than to metaphysics or mysticism.

In the case of sa Ra Pa and la Ra Pa, it is enough that some such values work.

For your next essay, can you sketch out in clear detail exactly the difference in FOL as you see it between "sa Ra Pa" and "la Ra Pa"?