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I'll start with the Lin-like features in C3, as I understand them. Lin uses single letters as nouns, adjectives, and verbs. A given letter can denote 3 "generations" of each, or 9 meanings per letter. this is called enneasemy. For C3, I have only 2 classes (adjectives are combined with verbs) and 2 generations, so only 4 meanings per letter. To compensate, I use a-z, A-Z, and 0-9, so there are 248 distinct meanings (the Lin lexicon uses only a-z). Lin and C3 are SVO with syntax determining the part of speech of a content letter/symbol. Symbols called "cements" are placed between content symbols which specify the generations of both preceding and following content symbol. There are 2 sets of cements: "external" which connect head words and "internal". Lin has 9 of each (3 generations * 3 generations) while C3 has only 4 of each. Other features of C3 are different from Lin. I found that the cements in C3 were mostly redundant, with the preceding generation being specified more than once in most cases. So for C4, I replaced the 2 kinds of cements with 2 kinds of "switches" which specify the generation of only the following content symbol. I then increased the # of generations to 4, so there are 496 distinct meanings.