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Hello Velislav and Yohan, I just joined this group to find a Ceqli dictionary. The 2006 one with the strange FP7 file extension proved unreadable when I opened it with FreeFileViewer! I guess I'll try the 2004 html file next. The links to Ceqli Dictionary sites on webpages I found by searching "ceqli" all led to dead ends. It's a shame that this group seems unattended/unmoderated too. I have found Rex May's site at http://ceqli.pbworks.com/w/page/5455970/FrontPage and there are some small glossaries there. I also found http://ceqliblog.blogspot.com/ with entries as late as September 26, 2011. I had downloaded quite a few Lojban dictionaries from the Lojban site and a Ygyde dictionary from the Ygyde site and will work my way through what I've downloaded, adding the Ceqli words to an additional column of these Loglan and Ygyde dictionaries. That way I should be able to build up a Ceqli dictionary. Have you had experience with these logical languages or any others? Regards from Ray --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "gyacoyu" <yohanprc@...> wrote: > > Unfortunately, I didn't see many people here talking Ceqli. I see, instead, that many people here post unpleasured contents. > > --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, velislavpetkov@ wrote: > > > > Hello!I am 37 years old. > > I would like to write with somebody in Ceqli. > > Please write to me! > > >