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Second Amendment

I just translated this on the Auxlang board:

>"A well regulated militia being necessary to the
>security of a free state, the right of the people to
>keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>Now that can't be too hard can it?  Who would like to
>try translating it into their favorite auxlang?

Ceqli version:

fuqfey pelfeysimingu befo volni stan sa slanka, kaw co, pimre ke vayol simin sa hawl hu 
ten kay ber pelju.

function-capable fight-capable-citizen-group is-necessary-to free state security, 
because-of that, prohibited that violate citizen right to have and carry weapon.

And, just for fun, here are the morpheme origins in order:

English-German Spanish-German-Korean-English Mandarin-French Russian Hindi apriori 
Irish-apriori, English apriori, English Esperanto English Korean apriori Welsh English 
Spanish Esperanto English Spanish-apriori