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--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "Rex May" <rmay@...> wrote: > > Anybody who wants to try writing some Ceqli stuff, please do. Stevo's suggestion gave me > an idea. Write or translate anything you like, post it on this board, and I'll critique it. Any > vocab that isn't in the glossaries, just use the English word, putting it in brackets. And then > I'll supply the Ceqli words and post it on the Wiki. Worth a try, anyway. Anybody here fluent > in a third language? Well enough to translate from it? If so, that would be great. > A short comment regarding gardens: dodey go toyl dan [garden]. da begrin pikay bebel. jin da kyer va pokyer go [garden]. jin da pokyer go garden buva da pomo go [garden]. go pon da dan to [earth]. cisama go [garden] ho grin pikay bel. It's not very good but I haven't been learning Ceqli very long.