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Re: [ceqli] Re: PBWiki

You're quite right.  "Ploy" is no longer correct.  "Zu" is.  I'll fix it.

As for that 'da', I probably should do a little rewriting.   You can

felin kom karn.  A cat eats meat.

But for _precise_ Ceqli, when you fear that "felin kom" might be heard as a compound instead of two words, you can repeat the subject, so to speak, as the pronoun "da," to avoid the problem.

felin da kom karn.

But "zo" marks a name, and a name sort of IS a pronoun, in that it is always going to behave like a noun, not a verb.  So while you CAN say

janzo da kom karn.

The need for it is virtually nonexistent.

At this point, there aren't any real usage rules, and I'm trying to put Ceqli together so that it can be terse at one extreme, and precise at the other.  Full precision of that first sentence would be

te felin da kom te karn.

Where the "te" clarifies that the following word is a noun, and the "da" that the following word is a verb.

On Jul 14, 2007, at 7:32 PM, bobbyo696 wrote:

There might be an error in lesson one in the new material. The example
sentence is "Janzo zu te spun sa kom te cawal." but a few sentences
later it says the verb phrase is "ploy te spun".

Also, a language question. In the beginning phrases there is a
subject-pronoun pattern (The inside man, he eats the banana), but the
John eats rice sentence does not seem to do this. Does the 'zo' take
the place of the pronoun?