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Re: [ceqli] Loglan

On Jan 28, 2007, at 12:16 PM, Rex May wrote:

I've been revisiting Loglan (thru Steve Rice's book) and I'm agonizing again.

Already adopted are the dual natures of pa-na-fa, as pa-do-fu

That is, they're both tense markers and prepositions:

go pa kom.   I ate.

pa fudey, go kom.   Before tomorrow, I will eat.

Well and good.  Seems to work okay.

Do I need to do the same thing with here-near-far (vi va vu)

Right now, Ceqli has a different type of tripartite position words,
as in Japanese and Spanish:

ci - here
ca - there by you
cu - yonder

And now I look at Steve Rice's book and see that he calls the trio here, there by you, and yonder.  Steve, I recall vivavu meaning at, near, and far.  Did something change, or do I just not get it?