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Re: New

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "HandyDad" <larrysulky@...> wrote:
> --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "rbweiland" <rbweiland@> wrote:
> >
> ---SNIP---
> > 
> > Thank you very much for clarifications; they will help. I understand
> > about work pressures. I am hoping to retire in 2 years myself, but in
> > the meantime, put in a lot of hours -- by the way, I am a computer
> > programmer by trade, and have done websites -- perhaps I can give you
> > a hand with it from time to time. Sorry to say, I'm not the "arty"
> > kind that designs layouts well -- I've have mainly done databases
> > behind the pages.
> Rex is going to be very happy to have you here, Bob!
> > 
> > Does anybody have a clip of how Tceqli sounds?
> Rex, you know those clips I made for Elomi? I used some freeware
called Audacity and it 
> worked the best of the few different approaches I tried. The
resultant quality was quite 
> decent. (My voice isn't so decent, but that's another story.) It
took some monkeying to 
> figure out how to use it, but once I got it straight I was able to
churn out clips quickly.
> ---Larry / Krawnzo

Audacity is a fine package for recording. If you like, you can upload
your output files (.wav or .mp3)to the files area of this group.
