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Re: copula

Okay, how does this sound:

The basic subject-predicate structure has this meaning

S is-a-member-of-the-set-f P.

go jino = I am a member of the set of men.
go dorm = I am a member of the set of sleepers
go to kiqo hu hibernzohaim = I am a member of the set of the king of Ireland. (there may 
be more than one, and I may be one or more of them)

Since modifiers are verbs:

go ga jino = I am a member of the set of men who are members of the set of large things.

Now, how do I say:

I'm one of the kings of Ireland.


go han to kiq hu hibernzohaim. (there may be more than one)


go han to ze kiq hu hiberzohaim. (there are more than one, and I'm one of them)

Or do I need a tV that means 'the set of' for this purpose and others?

Remember, I want Ceqli to be capable of Loglan-level precision without _requiring_ it all 
the time.

That's why you can say:

kanin dorm cuaq.

To mean "The dog is sleeping on the bed."  Tho it could mean:

(a dog, the dog, some dogs)
(sleeps, is sleeping, slept, etc.)
(bed, a bed, the bed, some beds)

And for that matter, it _could_ mean "Be a sleeping bed for dogs!"  or "The dog is a 
sleeping bed." or "The bed is a dog sleeper" or "dog sleep is a bed", which is why Loglan is 
so persnickety.   I think there are enough grammar words to make all those things 
unambiguous if you want to.

To kanin, da dorm hu sta to cuaq.

To kanin, da dorm sa cuaq.

To kanin sa dorm, da cuaq.

And so forth.

BTW, I'm now revising the glossary, and I'm trying to mark all the grammar words as 
particles and all the content words (which I've tentatively decided to call 'kornevor', root-
words) unmarked, since they can be nouns or verbs.

So to reLoglanize Ceqli:

go dorm = I sleep or I am a sleeper.
go dormjin = I am a sleeper. Means the same thing, unless the go in the first sentence is a 
mouse or a Klingon.

If everything is a verb, then

go starsai = I am astronomy and
go starsaijin = I am a person who is astronomy  Not what we want.

So maybe (lurching back to Loglan again)

go starsaikar = I do astronomy, I am an astronomer

So compounds ending with jin have to be that way, I mean, you can't be a jaqjin any more
? that would mean you are a man who is a war.  It has to be jaqkar.

I want your reactions.  I may be in too hairsplitting a mood.