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Re: [ceqli] Names

On Sep 5, 2005, at 6:45 PM, MorphemeAddict@hidden.email wrote:

In a message dated 9/5/2005 1:03:39 PM Central Standard Time, rmay@hidden.email writes:

Most languages, from English to Esperanto, seem to get past this problem by paying no
attention to it, which is tempting, but a cop-out.  Or is it?  

I don't think it is.  Loglan/Lojban and other languages that force marking of names do so for particular reasons, usually having to do with logic and/or computer understanding.  if ceqli has no reason to mark names, then why do it?  People don't need name-marking.

Then perhaps Ceqli needs _optional_ name-marking, in keeping with its basic philosophy of optionality?  Are we nearing a paradigm shift?  I want Ceqli to have all the power of a loglan, but only when needed!

If that is decided, then name-marking falls into the optional area along with many other things, like tense and number, that can be made explicit or not, depending on how much precision or nonambiguity we want.  Hmmm.

B:  jan ja gozi.  John is coming towards us.
C:  kwa?  kwape jan ja gozi?   What? Who knows to come towards us.
B: Bu, bu.  _Ti_jan beti ja gozi.  To jino hu kyam ti jan.   No, no.  _(name)_ jan (endname) comes towards us.  The man named "jan."

I think you may have broken the logjam here.  Thanks!

Rex May
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