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Re: [ceqli] Glossary

On 6/29/05, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> Just so you'll all know, I'm in the tedious process of revamping the
> glossary in Filemaker, and I expect to have it ready to upload in a few
> days.  Now's a good time for any suggestions or ideas about vocabulary -
> recommended new words, objections to old words, whatever.  

My objection is not to particular words, but to the excessively
terse, ambiguous way many of them are glossed.

For instance, "balfa = lift" could use a "v." indication
to distinguish it from the noun sense of lift ("balfaxin",
 glossed as "elevator").  Does balu = "bear" signify
Ursus or "to carry" or "to tolerate, put up with"?
Is beq ="bank" a monetary institution or the side
of a river?  The glosses for grammatical
particles and prefixes, like

be -- switches sub/ob 

should include cross-references to some chapter
and subsection of the ceqli grammar or lessons.
(Maybe a to-be-written section in some cases...)

Some of the etymologies are unclear.  You sometimes
use a full language name and sometimes an abbreviation,
but there is no section where you explain your abbreviations.

Jim Henry