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Re: Rework

Oh, I did kick this alphabet rework around in my head quite a bit.  
Having standard diphthongs does solve the problem of 
too-similar pairs like bien and byen.  It also released y and w up 
for other uses.  I'm not totally crazy about y being /Z/, but given the 
26 letter alphabet, I think it's the optimum solution.  It also 
repairs the asymmetry of C, X, and J by adding the Y.

Previously I was having a problem with pairs like dia and dya, 
and temporarily solved it by using diya.  But then it hit me that, 
given that ia is automatically a diphthong, diia solves the 
problem nicely, and doesn't look much stranger than diya did.

One other advantage to this is that by gaining another cuaba, Y, 
we automatically have a bigger set of CV's, not to mention longer 
words, available.
