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Hm. Just playing around with permissible initial clusters... As you said, Eo doesn't make a list anywhere that I know of, but there are what seem to be rules. Kind of a 'general average european' system. Making a list of initial consonant clusters is only half the story, because while you can have sk-, it can be followed by any vowel or semivowel, r or l, and then it gets iffy. I'd consider skq unpronounceable, but not necessaryily skm or skn. One point is that, like Eo, Ceqli borrows almost all words, so they are going to alreay fit somebody's phonotactics:). I decided that some Russian roots were just too consonant rich for borrowing. zdrav, chlen, etc. Anyhow, so far I'm just following my own instincts as to what things are pronounceable. Again, it's sort of academic, because Ceqli isn't likely to want to borrow a root from any language that has any words (ok, except russian) that I'd consider beyond the pale. I consider Loglan's phonotactics to be flawed because it permits monstrosities like 'sii' (syee) which are certain to devove into 'shee' in my opinion. I have my doubts about my own "xyen" (dog) and whether it's different enough from "xen" Oops. gotta go to work. -- Rex F. May (Baloo) Visit my website at: http://homepage.mac.com/rmay/ Great leadership training for boys at: http://afewgoodkids.com