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Re: [ceqli] Re: Comments on ceqli web pages

Why not distinguish between initial and non-initial consonants, calling them "initials" and "non-initials" for short? "Vowels" would then be your third group.

Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
Ceqli has three kinds of sounds. I probably erred by calling the ones
that can, in clusters of one or more, begin morphemes, "consonants". 
Because, of course, as you note, it's an unconventional use of the
term.  I picked 'weak' for lmnqryw's because, as you say, they aren't
vowels, but aren't 'strong' enough to begin a morpheme.  So I need a
name for each of these sounds.  Now, Mandarin has "initials"
and "finals," but that's not quite what Ceqli breaks down into.  To
make the rule simple I need a different term for "consonant", I
guess, then weaks and vowels and a term for non-consonant.  Or
perhaps I don't need to distinguish between weaks and vowels at all.
Anybody else have any input for this?

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