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I've been frustrated by the fact that while ci, ca, cu refer to places, co and ce refer to things. That is, co means `what was just said' and ce means `what is about to be said. And I want them to be more parallel than that. Now, kwa means what or what thing. It seems to work okay that way: Zi ten kwa? You have what? Zi ten kwa hon? You have what book? Now, suppose the cV's work the same way, being equal to this (thing) that (thing) and yonder (thing)? Ci bi gosa hon. This is my book. Ci hon da bon. This book is good. And when ambiguity seems likely, we can always say ciba for the former. That would mean that for here, there, and over there we'd have cijay, cajay, and cujay. Sound okay? Another issue. Jin. I want to keep jin to mean human being, with its jini jino expansions. But I'm wondering if it would be awkward to also include pe to mean "person"? Pe would be a more pronounceable combining form, for kwape, gunpe, etc., and such. And, of course a Klingon with a gun couldn't be a gunjino, but could be a gunpe. That goes for Frodo and Legolas, too. The problem with pe is that the sexed forms would be pei and peo, and so far we haven't used the ?i or ?o after a vowel-ending root. OTOH, pe would rarely need to be sexed, I think, and if somebody just can't stand the pei/o forms, they can use pexi (person female) and pejo (person male). Come to think of it, another word, pro, has that problem too. Starsaypro means astronomer, and proi and proo are both awkward, especially the latter. So they can be proxi and projo, too. So Jin sta dor. Some human being is at the door. And Pe sta dor. Some person is at the door. Mean about the same thing in practical usage. But when there's a knock on the airlock, Kirk should say "Pe sta dor," because it might be an Orion slave girl. Thoughts? I was watching "House of Flying Daggers" last night, and it reminded me that, though we do want to have a lot of nice clarifying grammar words, we still want to keep that Mandarin sparseness that was what appealed to me in the first place. Oh, one other thought. Do we need more than "bol"? Bol means "language" and "speak" ? can it also mean "say"? Go jan franbol. I know French. Go bol hu bon. I speak well. Go pa bol, ke go bi franjino. I said I was a Frenchman. See any possible ambiguity there? And that leads me to another thing. I think that fran is just an adjective meaning "French," but franhaym means France, and franjino means an ethnic Frenchman and franhaymjino would mean a man of France, or a French citizen. Make sense? Go fran. I'm French. Go bi franhaymjino. I'm a Frenchman.