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Re: Resource

Try these:


If you cannot find the Chinese compound in
the dictionaries, I can help since I am a
native Chinese.


--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "Rex May" <rmay@m...> wrote:
> You know what would be a great resource for Ceqli?  A good 
> Chinese-English-Chinese dictionary, in pinyin or maybe 
> wade-giles or yale, that clearly indicated the elements of 
> compound words, so that we could actually form compounds the 
> same way, in some cases, or at least get suggestions from the 
> Chinese system.
> Recently, on auxlang, I got some heavy criticism from some 
> Spanish fellow, who objected to the Ceqli words for 'Bible,' and 
> 'Abbey,' among others.   He persuaded me that they're awkward, 
> so I'm in the process of making 'Bible' "xenhon," or god-book, 
> and abbey into 'sunimjay,' or monk-place.  Abbot will be 
> 'sunimjaybo,' of course.
> So, henceforth, I intend to look for the Chinese compound 
> whenever I'm looking for a new word ? not to use the Chinese 
> -words-, you understand, but to use the compounding rationale,
> as in 'sunimjaybo,' which is Korean, Hindi, and English roots 
> combined in the Chinese way.