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I'm puzzling over a set of compounds and I'm afraid I may be importing
English peculiarities into Ceqli.

val - worth, worthy
fey - can, able to
tan - tends to
bon - good

Now, "kom" means 'eat', and "ciba" means 'this'

Ciba komval - this is worth eating
Ciba kombon - this is good to eat

Both of which describe something that is being eaten

Ciba komfey - this is capable of eating
Ciba komtan - this tends to eat, is hungry.

And these describe something that -does- the eating.

Is this a flaw, or just the semantic requirements of val, tan, bon and fey?

If the latter, the other roots can have the be- passive particle added to
change the meaning:

Ciba komfey - This can eat.
Ciba bekomfey - This is edible (this can be eaten)
Ciba komtan - this tends to eat, is hungry
Ciba bekomtan - this tends to be eaten, is popular as a food.

Final question - is the "bekomfey" form the way to go, or should I have an
ending that works like the English -able?  I've already proposed 'fye,' as
sort of a reverse of 'fey,' with that meaning.

Go kanfey.   I can read, am literate.
Da kanfye = Da bekanfey - It is readable, legible.

Rex F. May (Baloo) 
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