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I've been wondering for some time about an alternative to the buy, cuy, duy
system for consonant names and hence, pronouns.  My biggest problem with the
present series is lack of redundancy.  So, here's a proposal.  We borrow
"tsi" from Mandarin for "letter" (yes, we already have "zimu," but it's a
standard morpheme that would lead to ambiguity if we used it as a combining
form as I envision it.)  "Tsi" would be a -bound- morpheme that would have a
unique function, thus

batsi = b

So "tsi" means "the letter that begins the beginning morpheme of this
compound word.

In effect, we could use any morpheme that begins with b to denote the
letter/pronoun b.  In actual usage, we should use easily-remembered forms.
I suggest, first off, using the vowels and standard diphthongs in order:

b = batsi
c = cetsi
d = ditsi
f = fotsi
g = gutsi
h = haytsi
j = jeytsi
k = koytsi
p = pawtsi  (instead of returning to -a, etc. we go for more reduncancy)
s = saltsi
t = tirtsi
v = vertsi
x = xantsi
z = zintsi

Anybody see any typos or lack of logic here?

So, then, there are our pronouns.

Vowels will be handled thus:

hatsi = a
hetsi = e
hitsi = i
hotsi = o
hutsi = u

They don't need as much redundancy, as they won't be pronouns.

And the rest of the nonconsonants:

halatsi = l
hemetsi = m
hinitsi = n
hoqotsi = q
hurutsi = r

This also opens possibilities up for using acronyms when necessary.
USA = hutsi saltsi hatsi

But!  We make the initial morphs into a compound word, so to speak, and to
refer to the USA we simply say "husalhatsi", NRA is hinihuruhatsi, FDR is
fodihurutsi, SS is salsaltsi, etc.

And, the alphabet names will be fairly easy to memorize if we think of the
actual meaning of the initial morphs:

what's about to be said-letter


Rex F. May (Baloo) 
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