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Re: babel

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "HandyDad" <lsulky@r...> wrote:
> --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "Rex May" <rmay@m...> wrote:
> > Oh, just updated the glossary also.
> I will check out the babel text if I can ever get the computer out 
> my son's teenage fingers. At a time when I'm not too tired to think.
> --K

Here's a start:

Verse 1 And all the land was one language and few words.

Pukul to dunya pa ten han bol kay pisi vor.

1.1: "Pukul" => [period]-all ???
Verse 2 And it was when [they] travelled from Qedem/the east, [they]
found a plain in the land [of] Shin`ar and [they] dwelt there.

Hi do ze jin pa voy from to duq bedo, juy jaw han pyaqter hu sta ti
xaynarhaym kay dwelho cu.

2.1: Why end the present tense with "bedo", just after "duq"? 
2.2: Do we use spoken commas (viz. "...bedo, juy...")?
2.3: Does "han" mean 'one' a strictly numerical sense, and did we 
have an indeterminate article available?
2.4: I imagined that the pronunciation of 'Shin`ar' would 
yield "xinarhaym" rather than "xaynarhaym".
2.5: "dwelho"...when do we use "ho" and when "za" to 
connote 'commencement'?
Verse 3 And [one] man said to his friend, "Come! We'll brick bricks 
and burn to a burning." And the brick was to them (to) stone, and the 
clay was to them (to) material.

Hi han jo pa sey ko juyde fren, "Ven! ? Gozi fu formfa ze tili kay 
fayrdurfa tuy." Hi vobay juyfuy to tili pa bi ston kay to kley pa bi 

3.1: The anaphor scheme takes some getting used to, I agree. But any 
anaphor scheme very different from that of English will seem odd at 
first. It gives a lot of flexibility; I say let's stick with it for 
3.2: Spoken quotation marks?
3.3: What is the < for?
3.4: If "formfa" means 'to shape', should we expect that most verbs 
will be compounds made of a primitive plus a fundamental verb 
like "fa"?
3.5: :-{ I cannot remember exactly what "vo" means (it marks a phrase 
boundary in a specific way, I think) and I can't find it in the 
dictionary and I can't seem to track it down in our long discussions. 
So "vobay" has me flummoxed.
Verse 4 And they said, "Come! We'll build for us a city and a tower 
and its head [the tower's] in the sky, and we'll make for us a name, 
lest we be scattered on the face of all the earth."

Hi to ze jin pa sey, "ciq ven! ? Gozi voben gozi fu baw han ceq, kay 
han turo. Hikay gozi fu tenho feymkyam vosam gozi be fentir ko kuljay 
vosta to dunya."

4.1: "...be fentir..." should be one word? Or does it matter?
Verse 5 And YHWH descended to see the city and the tower which the 
sons of Man (had) built.

Hi ti Jawe pa dimkoja vopor xaw to ceq kay to turo hu to jinbin je 

5.1: "dimkoja"... not just "dimja"?
5.2: "jinbin" :-) . This doesn't mean literally 'man-baby', I 
guess. 'Human race' would be closer?
Verse 6 And YHWH said, "Behold, one nation, and [there is] one 
language for all of them, and this they have begun to do. And now, it 
will not be denied from them, all which they [will] plot to do.

Hi ti jawe pa sey, "xaw! Han kawm hay, kay kuy ten smosi bol. Hi kuy 
pa farza cuba. Hi kuy zloyskim de kulba, sa bu fu besam.

6.1: Why "smosi" instead of just "han"?
6.2: The last sentence seems a very loose translation and I'm having 
a hard time parsing it anyway. Can you give a literal translation?

That's all for now! 
